BEST 6 for 2010


1. James D. Frary's "Giant Corkscrew." According to Kenneth Cope's book Kitchen Collectibles, Frary was only in business from 1888-1890. Thus far Cope's book is the only reference that I have found for Frary's corkscrews.  The Giant, and other Frary corkscrews, are pictured on pages 89-90.
2. James D. Frary's Fifth Avenue bar screw. Marked FRARY PATENT APD FOR 5 AVENUE (ref. O’Leary  Appendix one, Meadows p. 127, and Cope p. 89).  
3. Robert Murphy Boston corkscrew with frame. Marked, R. Murphy Boston. In Nugent's 1990 article, he explained that "An extremely rare example uses the frame of the Challenge and Victor with a T-handled corkscrew." If you haven't a copy of his article, you can access it on my murphy corkscrew page  
4. Everett Irving Rogers, Jr's 1926 patented opener with corkscrew (American D 69,235). Unmarked. (ref. Bull’s Figural Corkscrews, p. 268, O'Leary update).  The patent drawing doesn’t show a corkscrew.
5. William Johnson's 1930 patented cork puller (American #1,779,170). Marked PAT. JAN 19. 1926--for Johnson's earlier patent #1,570,306, (ref. O'Leary, 1994, p. 145)  
6. Oversized Williamson bell corkscrew.  At the 2010 ICCA AGM, Paul Luchsinger presented evidence that the oversized Walker and Williamson were designed to pull a cork from a demijohn of Welch’s juice.  
